Malik Obama say him junior broda,Barrack Obama bihavior and karata dey get worse evriday by day since he bicom US president.
He say Obama no send weda him family pipo dey exist for Kenya.
say,wen dia auntie,Zaituni,die for America,Barrack Obama no drop shishi
to take transport di dead bodi back to Kenya bicos he say di transport
too cost.
He say,he take dem one month to gada di money to carry her dead bodi go back to Kenya.
Malik Obama yarn all dis for one intaviu wit Joel Gilbert,di director of di film,"Dreams From My Real Father".
He say Obama mata don tire dem reach neck bicos he wicked pass nebukanezzar.
say time don reach to find out who Barrack Obama real papa be sef,
bicos, naim him step fada,Frank Marshall Davies character he carry.
say him dey veri veri diasapointed wit Obama and he don notice all
Obama yeye bihavior espeshally di way wey he treat him and dia late
auntie,Zaituni,from di veri fest time wen dem won swearram enta as he
win election for 2008 to bicom di world most powerful man.
He even yarn say,anytime wen he won visit Obama for White House,na thru back door or nite dem dey allowram enta.
last tings wey Malik Obama yarn for di intaviu be say,him no expect to
see him step broda,Barrack Obama as di America Presido dey prepia to
visit Kenya for July.
Barrack Obama papa na from Kenya why he mama,Stanley Ann Dunham, na America woman.